Chrono trigger remake petition
Chrono trigger remake petition

They go every night they possibly can except for saturdays which is their "day off" so to speak. They never bathe, they don't give a care about their personal hygiene, all they care about is getting to BINGO on time. Old people, they all play bingo except for my grandfather which is cool. For all you people who ask what is "Grot" I do not know because i don't care and i hate BINGO. I can't belive i was forced to play this pile of grot.

chrono trigger remake petition

You know why? It's because that is how long it takes to play bingo. The downside of BINGO is every aspect of the game and the people who play it.I know, it sounds harsh but after playing BINGO you feel as if you lost 36457467 hours of your life. so i will.Alright,i hate this game so much i would rather eat dead eggs and rotten crotch than play it. first of all my friend told me to rant more about this topic. or you'll just hear "CRASH! CRASH!" From the endless amount of plates she always seems to have around to throw if she gets angry. Or she'll say "Darren! GO GET ME WATER!" and if i don't respond you won't here the end of it. Every two seconds "Darren! GO GET ME FOOD!" if i do not do it. And also another broken plate for ME to pick up because she is lazier than a dead 68985 pound woman. So guess what she did, she through a plate at my leg. She was using a pillow (My pillow) so i took it from her, and somehow the remote fell on her face. There was a night last week where a skunk sprayed the dogs, so sam had to sleep in the basement where i sleep. Also my brother through a dart at my leg but this isn't about him. One time i just flicked her in the arm and she backhanded me in the face. If i even accidently bump into her, i 'd better pull out my sheild because somethings about to fly in my direction.

chrono trigger remake petition

She'll throw a plate now and again.AT ME! But usually i dodge it and it smashes against the wall. She has become a tad better in the "trying to kill" category. She would have killed him had he not picked up up chair to block the knifes impact.

chrono trigger remake petition

She actually tried to stab my brother, but was unsuccessful. When she was twelve she was INSANE beyond repair. Yet she acts like one of those evil two year olds. Nvidia has since confirmed the existence of the leaked list but said that it was merely speculative and not necessarily indicative of new games on the horizon-except that it seems to be pretty good at providing dates for new game releases.My sister surprisingly enough is 6 years OLDER than me. That’s what they said, they told me it wasn’t PlayStation exclusive.”įinally, the third piece comes from the Nvidia GeForce Now leak from two months ago which listed Chrono Cross as one of the upcoming titles. "All my source said to me was ‘multiplat’. That’s not what I was told," Baker added. “Now, when I hear JRPG and multiplat, I automatically assume PC, PlayStation, Switch, that’s my assumption. "The only word that was used was ‘multiplat’. “What else I was told-because everyone’s working under the assumption that it’s a PlayStation exclusive-I’ve been told that it’s not," Baker said. The second piece comes from Xbo圎ra's Nick Baker, who recently said in the Xbo圎ra Podcast that PlayStation will reveal Chrono Cross Remastered sometime next month.

Chrono trigger remake petition